Records Found : 7
Posting Date Deadline Location Short Description Notice Type Value
10-Jul-2024 23-Jul-2024 swaziland pre-qualification of conventional municipal council of manzini maintenance services
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04-Jun-2024 14-Jun-2024 swaziland desilting section 12 dam
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09-May-2024 31-May-2024 swaziland preparation of preparation and submission of applications for environmental assessment and establishment of human settlement for upgrading townships mncitsini, pts and gobholo in the municipal council of mbabane
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tenders Refer Document.
09-May-2024 04-Jun-2024 swaziland provision of cleaning services in the municipal council of manzini
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09-May-2024 31-May-2024 swaziland preparation and submission of applications for environmental assessment and establishment of human settlement for upgrading townships mncitsini, pts and gobholo in the municipal council of mbabane
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29-Dec-2023 19-Jan-2024 swaziland supply and delivery of a wood chipper for the municipal council of manzini
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05-Dec-2023 12-Jan-2024 swaziland desilting of mhlume effluent plant dam il 6
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