Records Found : 5
Posting Date Deadline Location Short Description Notice Type Value
10-Jul-2024 26-Jul-2024 swaziland consultancy services for the environment and social compliance audit for the mkhondvo ngwavuma water augmentation project
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09-May-2024 31-May-2024 swaziland preparation of preparation and submission of applications for environmental assessment and establishment of human settlement for upgrading townships mncitsini, pts and gobholo in the municipal council of mbabane
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09-May-2024 06-Jun-2024 swaziland provision of consultancy services for developing state of environment report (soer) for ezulwini town council
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09-May-2024 31-May-2024 swaziland preparation and submission of applications for environmental assessment and establishment of human settlement for upgrading townships mncitsini, pts and gobholo in the municipal council of mbabane
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29-Dec-2023 12-Jan-2024 swaziland environmental and waste management services
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