Records Found : 6
Posting Date Deadline Location Short Description Notice Type Value
24-Jul-2024 29-Jul-2024 fiji preferred supplier for personal protective equipment (ppe)
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tenders Refer Document.
06-Jun-2024 14-Jun-2024 fiji fiji social protection covid-19 response and system development project
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tenders Refer Document.
18-May-2024 08-Jun-2024 fiji evaluation for geographic health information system (gis) project in kiribati
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tenders Refer Document.
27-Apr-2024 08-May-2024 fiji vegetation management works for hospital feeder
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tenders Refer Document.
26-Apr-2024 08-May-2024 fiji vegetation management works for hospital feeder
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tenders Refer Document.
06-Apr-2024 19-Apr-2024 fiji 9228 and enhancing covid-19 preparedness for tourism recovery
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tenders Refer Document.

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