Records Found : 50
Posting Date Deadline Location Short Description Notice Type Value
21-Feb-2025 25-Feb-2025 kazakhstan maintenance of the parus-kaz.budget software product (ifrs accounting. payroll), services for the maintenance and technical support of the information system (maintenance of the parus-kaz.budget software product (ifrs accounting, payroll))
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tenders KZT 527597
21-Feb-2025 25-Feb-2025 kazakhstan installation of the parus-kaz.budget software product (ifrs accounting. payroll), services for installing/configuring software (installing the parus-kaz.budget software product (ifrs accounting. payroll))
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tenders KZT 348214
21-Feb-2025 24-Feb-2025 kazakhstan software maintenance - budget financing, ifrs accounting, payroll, budget request., information system maintenance and technical support services (software maintenance - budget financing, ifrs accounting, payroll, budget request.)
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tenders KZT 660000
21-Feb-2025 24-Feb-2025 kazakhstan maintenance of software product 1 s. budget (ifrs accounting. payroll calculation. budget request. budget financing of local self-government), software installation/configuration services (maintenance of software product 1 s. budget (ifrs accountin
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tenders KZT 660000
21-Feb-2025 24-Feb-2025 kazakhstan maintenance of the software product, services for the maintenance and technical support of the information system (maintenance of the software product 1 s. budget (accounting ifrs. payroll. budget request. budget financing of local government))
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tenders KZT 660000
21-Feb-2025 25-Feb-2025 kazakhstan maintenance of the software product parus-kaz.budget (ifrs accounting. payroll. budget financing of local self-government), services for the maintenance and technical support of the information system (maintenance of the software product parus-kaz.
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tenders KZT 6138000
21-Feb-2025 21-Feb-2025 kazakhstan maintenance of the software product parus-kaz.budget (budget financing. budget planning. accounting ifrs. calculation of wages maintenance of the software product parus-kaz.budget (budget financing. budget planning. accounting ifrs. payroll. tariff
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tenders KZT 6364286
21-Feb-2025 21-Feb-2025 kazakhstan maintenance of software product 1 s. budget (ifrs accounting. payroll. budget request. budget financing of local self-), services for installation/configuration of software (maintenance of software product 1 s. budget (ifrs accounting. payroll. bud
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tenders KZT 660000
21-Feb-2025 21-Feb-2025 kazakhstan installation of the parus-kaz. budget program, software installation/configuration services (installation of the software product (ifrs accounting. payroll))
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tenders KZT 401786
21-Feb-2025 21-Feb-2025 kazakhstan maintenance of software product 1 c budget (ifrs accounting. payroll. budget request. budget financing of local self-, services for maintenance and technical support of the information system (maintenance of software product 1 c budget (ifrs accoun
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tenders KZT 660000
20-Feb-2025 28-Feb-2025 kazakhstan services for information technology support of the software product 1c enterprise 8., accounting, salary and personnel for organizations of kazakhstan 2.0 for 2025, services for technical support of licensed software (services for information techn
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tenders KZT 7610000
20-Feb-2025 21-Feb-2025 kazakhstan maintenance of the software product parus-kaz. budget (ifrs accounting. payroll), services for the maintenance and technical support of the information system (maintenance of the software product parus kaz. budget (ifrs accounting. payroll))
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tenders KZT 575561
20-Feb-2025 20-Feb-2025 kazakhstan services for maintenance and technical support of the 1c information system, services for installation/configuration of software (maintenance of software product 1 s. budget (budget financing. budget planning. ifrs accounting. payroll. budget reque
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tenders KZT 660000
20-Feb-2025 20-Feb-2025 kazakhstan maintenance of software product 1 s. budget (ifrs accounting. payroll. budget request. budget financing of local ), services for installation/configuration of software (maintenance of software product 1 s. budget (ifrs accounting. payroll. budget r
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tenders KZT 660000
19-Feb-2025 20-Feb-2025 kazakhstan maintenance of software product 1 s. budget (ifrs accounting. payroll. budget request. budget financing of local self-), services for installation/configuration of software (maintenance of software product 1 s. budget (ifrs accounting. payroll. bud
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tenders KZT 660000
19-Feb-2025 19-Feb-2025 kazakhstan installation of the parus-kaz software product. budget
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tenders KZT 223214
19-Feb-2025 20-Feb-2025 kazakhstan software maintenance - budget financing, ifrs accounting, payroll, budget request., information system maintenance and technical support services (software maintenance - budget financing, ifrs accounting, payroll, budget request.)
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tenders KZT 660000
18-Feb-2025 19-Feb-2025 kazakhstan software product maintenance (budget financing. ifrs accounting. payroll. budget request), software installation/configuration services (software product maintenance (budget financing. ifrs accounting. payroll. budget request))
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tenders KZT 6600000
18-Feb-2025 20-Feb-2025 kazakhstan maintenance of the software product, services for the maintenance and technical support of the information system (maintenance of the software product 1 s. budget (accounting ifrs. payroll. budget request. budget financing of local ))
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tenders KZT 660000
18-Feb-2025 19-Feb-2025 kazakhstan service of support of software product parus-kaz.budget (budget financing. accounting ifrs. payroll. budget application), services for support and technical support of information system (service of support of software product parus-kaz.budget (bud
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tenders KZT 1279693
18-Feb-2025 19-Feb-2025 kazakhstan maintenance of software product 1 s. budget (ifrs accounting. payroll. budget request. budget financing of local self-), services for installation/configuration of software (maintenance of software product 1 s. budget (ifrs accounting. payroll. bud
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tenders KZT 660000
17-Feb-2025 18-Feb-2025 kazakhstan services for maintenance and technical support of the 1c information system, services for installation/configuration of software (maintenance of the software product 1 s. budget (budget financing. budget planning. accounting ifrs. payroll. budget r
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tenders KZT 660000
17-Feb-2025 19-Feb-2025 kazakhstan installation of the parus-kaz.budget software product (ifrs accounting. payroll), services for installing/configuring software (installing the parus-kaz.budget software product (ifrs accounting. payroll))
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tenders KZT 348214
17-Feb-2025 19-Feb-2025 kazakhstan maintenance of the parus-kaz.budget software product (ifrs accounting. payroll), services for the maintenance and technical support of the information system (maintenance of the parus-kaz.budget software product (ifrs accounting, payroll))
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tenders KZT 527597
17-Feb-2025 19-Feb-2025 kazakhstan maintenance of the paruskaz.budget software product (budget financing, budget request, ifrs accounting. payroll calculation, tariffing in education), services for the maintenance and technical support of the information system (maintenance of the p
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tenders KZT 1055711
17-Feb-2025 18-Feb-2025 kazakhstan services for the maintenance and technical support of the information system, services for assessing the quality of programs (maintenance of the paruskaz.budget software product. (budget financing, budget request, ifrs accounting. payroll))
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tenders KZT 1097872
17-Feb-2025 18-Feb-2025 kazakhstan software maintenance, software installation/configuration services (software maintenance 1c budget (ifrs accounting. payroll. budget request. local budget financing))
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tenders KZT 660000
17-Feb-2025 18-Feb-2025 kazakhstan maintenance of software product 1 s. budget (ifrs accounting. payroll. budget request. budget financing of local self-government), services for installation/configuration of software (maintenance of software product 1 s. budget (ifrs accounting. pa
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tenders KZT 660000
15-Feb-2025 17-Feb-2025 kazakhstan personnel training services, personnel/employees training services (services for maintenance and technical support of the information system (k2 accounting and payroll))
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tenders KZT 121875
15-Feb-2025 17-Feb-2025 kazakhstan software installation and configuration services, software installation/configuration services (services for maintenance and technical support of the information system (k2 accounting and payroll))
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tenders KZT 123214
15-Feb-2025 17-Feb-2025 kazakhstan services for maintenance and technical support of the information system, services for maintenance and technical support of the information system (maintenance of the parus-kaz.budget software product (ifrs accounting. payroll, ifrs accounting. pay
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tenders KZT 6138000
15-Feb-2025 18-Feb-2025 kazakhstan purchase of other services, services for the maintenance and technical support of the information system (hr human resource management system (training for psychologists)
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tenders KZT 400000
15-Feb-2025 18-Feb-2025 kazakhstan maintenance of software product 1 s. budget (ifrs accounting. payroll. budget request. budget financing of local ), services for installation/configuration of software (maintenance of software product 1 s. budget (ifrs accounting. payroll. budget r
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tenders KZT 660000
15-Feb-2025 17-Feb-2025 kazakhstan services for maintenance and technical support of the information system, services for maintenance and technical support of the information system (services for maintenance and technical support of the information system (k2 accounting and payroll)
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tenders KZT 463795
15-Feb-2025 18-Feb-2025 kazakhstan software installation and configuration services, software installation/configuration services (maintenance of the parus-kaz.budget software product (budget financing, budget application, ifrs accounting. payroll, tariffing in education)
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tenders KZT 1156604
14-Feb-2025 14-Feb-2025 kazakhstan services for maintenance and technical support of the information system, services for maintenance and technical support of the information system (services for remote maintenance of the k2.erp software database. (state institution)), services for
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tenders KZT 844000
14-Feb-2025 14-Feb-2025 kazakhstan software maintenance, software installation/configuration services (software maintenance 1c budget (ifrs accounting. payroll. budget request. local budget financing)
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tenders KZT 660000
14-Feb-2025 17-Feb-2025 kazakhstan services for maintenance and technical support of the information system, services for maintenance and technical support of the information system (maintenance of the software product (ifrs accounting. payroll. tariffication in education)
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tenders KZT 2458056
14-Feb-2025 17-Feb-2025 kazakhstan software product maintenance (budget financing. ifrs accounting. payroll. budget request), software installation/configuration services (software product maintenance (budget financing. ifrs accounting. payroll. budget request)
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tenders KZT 660000
14-Feb-2025 14-Feb-2025 kazakhstan services for the maintenance and technical support of the 1c information system, services for the installation/configuration of software (maintenance of the software product 1 s. budget (budget financing. budget planning. accounting ifrs. payroll.
View Tender Detail
tenders KZT 660000
14-Feb-2025 14-Feb-2025 kazakhstan services for the maintenance and technical support of the 1c information system, services for the installation/configuration of software (maintenance of the software product 1 s. budget (budget financing. budget planning. accounting ifrs. payroll.
View Tender Detail
tenders KZT 660000
14-Feb-2025 17-Feb-2025 kazakhstan maintenance of software product 1 s. budget (ifrs accounting. payroll. budget request. budget financing of local self-), services for installation/configuration of software (maintenance of software product 1 s. budget (ifrs accounting. payroll. bud
View Tender Detail
tenders KZT 660000
14-Feb-2025 17-Feb-2025 kazakhstan maintenance of software product 1 s.budget (budget financing.budget planning.ifrs accounting.payroll. budget request.), software installation/configuration services (maintenance of software product 1 s.budget (budget financing.budget planning.ifrs
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tenders KZT 660000
13-Feb-2025 13-Feb-2025 kazakhstan maintenance of the software product (ifrs accounting. payroll. budget request), services for modernization of the information system (maintenance of the software product (budget financing. ifrs accounting. payroll. budget request))
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tenders KZT 660000
13-Feb-2025 14-Feb-2025 kazakhstan maintenance of software product 1 s. budget (ifrs accounting. payroll. budget request. budget financing of local ), services for installation/configuration of software (maintenance of software product 1 s. budget (ifrs accounting. payroll. budget r
View Tender Detail
tenders KZT 660000
13-Feb-2025 13-Feb-2025 kazakhstan maintenance of software product 1 s. budget (ifrs accounting. payroll. budget request. budget financing of local self-), services for modernization of the information system (maintenance of software product 1 s. budget (ifrs accounting. payroll. bu
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tenders KZT 660000
13-Feb-2025 14-Feb-2025 kazakhstan maintenance of software product 1 s. budget (ifrs accounting. payroll. budget request. budget financing of local ), services for modernization of the information system (services for supporting the 1c program)
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tenders KZT 660000
13-Feb-2025 14-Feb-2025 kazakhstan accident insurance services
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tenders KZT 1298890
13-Feb-2025 13-Feb-2025 kazakhstan personnel training services, personnel/employees training services (services for maintenance and technical support of the information system (k2 accounting and payroll))
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tenders KZT 121875
13-Feb-2025 13-Feb-2025 kazakhstan software installation and configuration services, software installation/configuration services (services for maintenance and technical support of the information system (k2 accounting and payroll))
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tenders KZT 123214

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