The United Nations Logistics Base in Brindisi is a vibrant operation, providing logistic support,
telecommunications and training for all peacekeeping operations around the world. In 2005, UNLB is
serving 18 peacekeeping operations and numerous smaller offices from the warehouses, workshops,
satellite-transmitters, network-stations and classrooms in Brindisi. The past year has seen the launch of
six new operations with the invaluable support of UNLB. The United Nations Logistics Base (UNLB) in
Brindisi, Italy, has been in operation since late 1994 under a rent-free arrangement with the Republic of
Italy. The memorandum of understanding regarding the use by the United Nations of the facilities was
signed by the Secretary-General and the Republic of Italy on 23 November 1994 and was amended on 7
December 2001. The General Assembly, in section XIV of its resolution 49/233 of 23 December 1994,
welcomed the establishment at Brindisi, Italy, as the first permanent United Nations logistics base to
support peacekeeping operations.
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