Records Found : 10
Posting Date Deadline Location Short Description Notice Type Value
26-Jul-2024 06-Sep-2024 papua new guinea asphalt overlay, terminal building refurbishment associated works at hoskins airport, west new britain province, papua new guinea
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25-Jul-2024 29-Jul-2024 papua new guinea enhancing energy resilience to climatic and natural hazard risks in papua new guinea
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25-Jul-2024 30-Jul-2024 papua new guinea digital financial services specialist
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19-Jul-2024 11-Aug-2024 papua new guinea airport master planning consultant
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19-Jul-2024 30-Jul-2024 papua new guinea national gender and social safeguards officer improved technical and vocational education and training for employment project
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19-Jul-2024 30-Jul-2024 papua new guinea national communications and community support officer improved technical and vocational education and training for employment project
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17-Jul-2024 11-Aug-2024 papua new guinea civil aviation development investment project ii
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13-Jul-2024 26-Jul-2024 papua new guinea social risk, welfare and labour specialist
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12-Jul-2024 26-Jul-2024 papua new guinea enhancing labor mobility from papua new guinea (png) social risk, welfare and labour specialist.
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25-Mar-2023 N/A papua new guinea accounting, auditing and fiscal services
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prior information notice EUR 4000000

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