Records Found : 546
Posting Date Deadline Location Short Description Notice Type Value
26-Jul-2024 04-Aug-2024 israel consultant services for information, advocacy and content development
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26-Jul-2024 04-Aug-2024 israel installation of protection systems, low voltage security and a controlled locking system
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26-Jul-2024 06-Aug-2024 israel supply of transfusion stoppers for the government hospitals
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26-Jul-2024 07-Aug-2024 israel multi-stage characterization and development of artificial intelligence-based tools
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26-Jul-2024 11-Aug-2024 israel locating housing for government offices/government units
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26-Jul-2024 12-Aug-2024 israel supply of catheters
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26-Jul-2024 12-Aug-2024 israel supply of: blue nitrile gloves
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26-Jul-2024 14-Aug-2024 israel aerial lidar scanning and creation of land and sea mapping products
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26-Jul-2024 15-Aug-2024 israel carrying out business ventures and accompanying businesses in the city
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26-Jul-2024 15-Aug-2024 israel rental of real estate
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26-Jul-2024 15-Aug-2024 israel street cleaning and tout work
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26-Jul-2024 18-Aug-2024 israel supply and maintenance of compact forklifts
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26-Jul-2024 18-Aug-2024 israel operating a service for the sale of codes for charging a prepaid meter and paying bills
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26-Jul-2024 18-Aug-2024 israel brown envelopes and white envelopes of different sizes
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26-Jul-2024 20-Aug-2024 israel operation of boarding schools
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26-Jul-2024 01-Sep-2024 israel upgrading the control system in the water system
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26-Jul-2024 09-Sep-2024 israel dismantling, sampling and vehicle body repairs
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26-Jul-2024 11-Sep-2024 israel conducting the survey to measure resilience and attrition among employees in the health system
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26-Jul-2024 17-Sep-2024 israel automation of organizational processes, using rpa tools for the medical centers division
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26-Jul-2024 30-Sep-2024 israel finishing works in the cancer building in the medical center
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26-Jul-2024 08-Aug-2024 israel provision of social counseling services for the general guardian
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26-Jul-2024 20-Aug-2024 israel supply of magnetic scanner systems
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26-Jul-2024 17-Sep-2024 israel supply and installation of flags
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26-Jul-2024 17-Sep-2024 israel production, supply, installation and maintenance of bus station sheds
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26-Jul-2024 09-Sep-2024 israel blood gas injectors
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26-Jul-2024 25-Aug-2024 israel provision of investigative services
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26-Jul-2024 19-Aug-2024 israel database for activities for senior citizens
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26-Jul-2024 19-Aug-2024 israel supply of geographic and alpha-numeric engineering information systems
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26-Jul-2024 20-Aug-2024 israel supply of pet ct systems including ancillary equipment and an option for works to adapt the site
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26-Jul-2024 14-Aug-2024 israel purchase of electricity from private suppliers
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26-Jul-2024 30-Jul-2024 israel supply of hospitality trays for the administration
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26-Jul-2024 05-Aug-2024 israel provision of locating services for prefabricated school buildings in the city
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26-Jul-2024 05-Aug-2024 israel database for operating recognized preschools
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26-Jul-2024 05-Aug-2024 israel supply of iron and/or wood
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26-Jul-2024 05-Aug-2024 israel provision of consulting services in the field of life-threatening allergies and healthy nutrition
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26-Jul-2024 05-Aug-2024 israel cleaning services
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26-Jul-2024 05-Aug-2024 israel construction of a floating breakwater
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26-Jul-2024 19-Aug-2024 israel microsoft power platform services
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24-Jul-2024 15-Aug-2024 israel maintenance of the student village
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24-Jul-2024 16-Sep-2024 israel purchase of logitech m2 mice
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24-Jul-2024 08-Sep-2024 israel performing periodic electrical tests for the medical center
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24-Jul-2024 01-Sep-2024 israel generator maintenance works of all types
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24-Jul-2024 29-Aug-2024 israel supply of equipment and tools
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24-Jul-2024 25-Aug-2024 israel provision of organization services and the conduct of professional examinations
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24-Jul-2024 20-Aug-2024 israel operating hostels
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24-Jul-2024 20-Aug-2024 israel completion of a thesis at the institute of angiography + increasing the electricity supply
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24-Jul-2024 20-Aug-2024 israel measurements in the eilat area
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24-Jul-2024 18-Aug-2024 israel purchase of energy cells, energy packs and chargers
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24-Jul-2024 23-Sep-2024 israel supply and installation of emergency buttons, fall detection sensors
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24-Jul-2024 15-Aug-2024 israel consulting services in the field of insurance
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