Records Found : 442
Posting Date Deadline Location Short Description Notice Type Value
26-Jul-2024 09-Aug-2024 azerbaijan preventive maintenance services of the facility s boilers at the embassy baku, azerbaijan
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26-Jul-2024 22-Aug-2024 azerbaijan purchase of external electrical supply works
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26-Jul-2024 13-Aug-2024 azerbaijan security service
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26-Jul-2024 19-Aug-2024 azerbaijan cleaning works
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26-Jul-2024 13-Aug-2024 azerbaijan receives judicial and legal services
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26-Jul-2024 14-Aug-2024 azerbaijan repair of roads
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26-Jul-2024 13-Aug-2024 azerbaijan buys stationery and household goods
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26-Jul-2024 16-Aug-2024 azerbaijan purchase of technical support services for the video surveillance and card issuing systems, server room monitoring system
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26-Jul-2024 08-Aug-2024 azerbaijan lv avr restoration equipment for the embassy baku
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26-Jul-2024 26-Aug-2024 azerbaijan procurement of software, licenses, domains and certificates by the sustainable and operative social security (dost) agency
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26-Jul-2024 19-Aug-2024 azerbaijan purchase of it equipment
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26-Jul-2024 16-Aug-2024 azerbaijan purchase of reagents and consumables required for the sysmex device
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26-Jul-2024 01-Aug-2024 azerbaijan training and certification audit service according to iso 9001:2015, iso 31000:2018, iso 10002:2018 standards
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26-Jul-2024 16-Aug-2024 azerbaijan purchase of vehicle spare parts replacement service
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26-Jul-2024 16-Aug-2024 azerbaijan purchase of equipment for hotel rooms
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26-Jul-2024 19-Aug-2024 azerbaijan current repair work in the internal electricity supply, boiler room, pump house, sanitary junctions and water sewage system of the institutions subordinated to the ministry
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26-Jul-2024 06-Aug-2024 azerbaijan purchase of microscope and instrument washer
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26-Jul-2024 16-Aug-2024 azerbaijan ministry of science and education of the republic of azerbaijan, current repair works in educational buildings of nakhchivan state university
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26-Jul-2024 09-Aug-2024 azerbaijan purchase and installation of equipment for the electric supply of penal institution no. 1
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26-Jul-2024 23-Aug-2024 azerbaijan purchase of "stationery and household goods" for the ministry`s apparatus and permanent staff
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26-Jul-2024 16-Aug-2024 azerbaijan purchase of street lights repair works in khirdalan city
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26-Jul-2024 15-Aug-2024 azerbaijan purchase of information technology, other equipment and accessories
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26-Jul-2024 22-Aug-2024 azerbaijan purchase of various types of consumables for the services of "baku metropoliteni" cjsc
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26-Jul-2024 15-Aug-2024 azerbaijan procurement of services for the preparation of project-estimate documents for landscaping, repair and restoration works to be performed in parks, streets and sidewalks in the city of lerik and the village of piran
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26-Jul-2024 15-Aug-2024 azerbaijan buying a passenger car
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26-Jul-2024 15-Aug-2024 azerbaijan purchasing firewall licenses
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26-Jul-2024 16-Aug-2024 azerbaijan "purchase of equipment and intangible assets"
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26-Jul-2024 20-Aug-2024 azerbaijan purchase of licenses within the digital transformation project at the request of "azintelecom" llc
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26-Jul-2024 19-Aug-2024 azerbaijan purchase of fertilizers and medicinal preparations required for the cultivation of ting and toxhamgari, proper agro-maintenance of planted greens
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26-Jul-2024 15-Aug-2024 azerbaijan purchase of video recording service
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26-Jul-2024 15-Aug-2024 azerbaijan creation and technical support of the energy efficiency information system
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26-Jul-2024 26-Aug-2024 azerbaijan procurement of software and guarantees by the sustainable and operative social security (dost) agency
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26-Jul-2024 16-Aug-2024 azerbaijan purchase of other land, buildings and equipment
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26-Jul-2024 16-Aug-2024 azerbaijan purchase of various types of batteries for "baku metropoliteni" cjsc
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26-Jul-2024 16-Aug-2024 azerbaijan purchase of vehicles
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26-Jul-2024 16-Aug-2024 azerbaijan service of holding events in the field of youth and sports
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26-Jul-2024 09-Aug-2024 azerbaijan services of conducting a public survey on the assessment of the level of security and need of the population with residential areas, and the determination of methods of improving living conditions
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26-Jul-2024 09-Aug-2024 azerbaijan purchase of stationery and household goods
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26-Jul-2024 16-Aug-2024 azerbaijan security service of saray modular tuberculosis hospital
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26-Jul-2024 22-Aug-2024 azerbaijan procurement of repair and utility-communication works in educational institutions across the republic
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25-Jul-2024 15-Aug-2024 azerbaijan according to the requirements of the strategy, formatting, designing and publishing educational materials and booklets, booklets, leaflets, posters, stickers, clinical protocols and methodical recommendations used during the campaign according to th
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26-Jul-2024 19-Aug-2024 azerbaijan current repair works in the internal electricity supply, boiler room, pump house, canteen, sanitary junctions and other buildings of the subordinate institutions of the ministry located in baku
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26-Jul-2024 16-Aug-2024 azerbaijan the ministry of science and education of the republic of azerbaijan, the purchase of the event and conference organization service of nakhchivan state university
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26-Jul-2024 23-Aug-2024 azerbaijan repair and purchase of necessary furniture and equipment for nakhchivan state university, ministry of science and education of the republic of azerbaijan
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25-Jul-2024 15-Aug-2024 azerbaijan purchase of passenger vehicles (33+1 and 29+1)
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25-Jul-2024 16-Aug-2024 azerbaijan purchase of current vehicle repair services and lubricants
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25-Jul-2024 15-Aug-2024 azerbaijan purchase of "medicines within the framework of measures to combat the genetic disease cystic fibrosis in children"
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25-Jul-2024 26-Aug-2024 azerbaijan measures to improve the water supply of agricultural fields in the villages of gazyan, boyat, baghban, bergushad, yukhari shilyan and gulaband of ujar region
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25-Jul-2024 23-Aug-2024 azerbaijan purchase of automotive lubricants
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25-Jul-2024 16-Aug-2024 azerbaijan repair and purchase of necessary furniture and equipment for nakhchivan state university, ministry of science and education of the republic of azerbaijan
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